
UTSA annual symposium: What ever happened to critical thinking? Thu Sept 24, Hart House

UTSA Annual Symposium- What Happened to Critical Thinking? 7 pm Thurs Sept 24th Hart House, Music Room( 2nd Fl) Casual but structured conversations Pizza and Coffee to be provided. There’s an endless sea of headlines circling around, making bandwagon causes the new norm. What happened to critical thinking? Questioning received wisdom is a timeless philosophical tradition. Suddenly social media makes polarized conformity the new normal. The world is much more complex than black and white. This Thursday the 24th help us bring some colour and life to these issues: the new sex-ed curriculum, the border between free speech and hate speech, and the intimate links between medical research and the pharmaceutical industry.

Ontario Sex-ed curriculum-

Free Speech and Hate Speech-

Medical research and the pharmaceutical industry-

Join the discussion,
-Gianni, UTSA President

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